If you follow me on Instagram you know that 2
or 3 weeks ago I took some bakery lessons to learn how to do conchas and
croissants, it was a long process, since 2 pm to 9 pm we were making everything
to make this two, so I want to share with you this recipe to make this
delicious, yummy, great conchas and if you make them please tag me on Instagram
( @thegolduchess ) so I can see how they turn to you.

is the recipe:
gr white flour
gr sugar
gr of dry yeast
gr warm milk (not too warm but not cold)
gr real butter (not margarine)
gr of salt
gr white flour
gr icing sugar
gr shortening
Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl except the
salt. The butter will be blend with the flour with the fingers. Put the mixture
over the work area and we make a circle with the mixture and inside we are
going to put the salt, eggs and milk. We start to incorporate the mixture
little by little with the ingredients that are inside the circle. When everything
is incorporated we knead using the French method until the mixture is easily
deployed from the work area without adding more flour. This should take from 10
to 15 minutes until the mixture is ready. We make a circle with the mixture, we
put it on a greased bowl, cover with a rag or plastic and we leave it to room
temperature from 45 minutes to 1 hour, until the mix has double in size.
While the mix grows we prepared the cover
mixing white flour, sugar and the shortening with the hands until it looks and
feels like clay. With it we form a big roll and cut it in portions of 40 gr approx.
and give them the shape of a circle, keep them by the side.
Once the mixture double in size, we put it
over the work area and cut portions of 60 gr. With this portions we form
circles, put the circles on a greased tray leaving some space between them so
they don’t touch each other when they cook. Let them rest for 15 minutes and
after that smash them with the palm of your hand. Form some disc with the cover
circles seeking that they’ll be bigger than the other mixture. Put a little bit
of water between the 2 mix, pressing softly and with a knife make a design on
the cover.
Let them grow for over an hour and a half and
the put them on the oven to 180 c° for 20 or 25 minutes making a switch on the
tray at the minute 13. Let them cool and enjoy!!!!!
500 g de harina blanca
40 g de azúcar
4 g de levadura seca 250 g de leche tibia
250 g de leche tibia
60 g de mantequilla
2 huevos
10 g de sal
240 g de harina blanca
240 g de azúcar glas
180 g de manteca vegetal
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